Q: howto for updating NVIDIA driver

Daniel Axtell dan_axtell at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 01:49:31 UTC 2007

chmod +x NVIDIA*
sudo init 3
sudo ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9746-pkg2.run
sudo init 5

OK, I've got a recent Egdy install, plus a few packages.  Then I download the NVida drives.  I do sudo init 3, but that doesn't seem to shutdown X.  So I try another suggestion and shutdown KDM.  I run the Nvidia script, every thing goes OK.  I do startx and everything seems fine.
 The trouble starts when I go to log out.  There's no option to reboot, shutdown, etc. only  "end session".  I get a ksmserver crashed error and I'm back in console mode with message about locking in ~/.Xauthority.
 When I reboot I end up in console mode.  ps shows kdm is running but I have no idea how to get to back to X.  If I shutdown kdm and run 'startx' I get an error from the Nvidia driver that it failed to initialize the kernel module.
 If I go through the Nvidia driver install script again, I'm able to start X manually, but I'm back where I started.
 How do I get the machine to boot into X with the Kde login?

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