video projector working with my laptop (asus z71v) under 6.06

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Mon Feb 26 19:04:06 UTC 2007

Christophe Guilbert wrote:
> Dear List ,
> I am trying to make ma laptop working a video projector (or CRT monitor 
> ) on my laptop (asus z71v) under 6.06.
> it has a Nvidia video card and I am using nvidia driver (thought automatix).
> I am totally confuse and it a mess now , I use any kind of options under 
> kubuntu , any xorg.conf config I could ... reboot my laptop thousands 
> times. I had limited success and never reproducible !!!
> it way a too long boring story to be post here.
> Anyway I would like to know how you guys handle this situation , maybe 
> someone can give me his xorg.conf that deal with the laptop LCD and 
> external CRT monitor ?
> Should I use Kubuntu -> System panel -> display to setup xorg.conf , 
> even if the nvidia driver is proprietary ?
> Sould I have two xorg.conf , one for my laptop alone and one for LCD/CRT 
> of the laptop.
> Well any tips would be nice !!!
> I need to fix that by Tuesday , otherwise I'll have to install 
> window$/office again and believe me , I hate this idea !!! ;-)))
> Thanks for any help
> Chris

On my Toshiba laptop I just connect the external monitor/projector before booting 
then after I log in I just press the 'function key' and the F5 key together (it 
has an icon of a monitor on it). Your laptop may be a little bit different but you 
shouldn't need to mess with Xorg.




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