debconf issue

Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo lbarrueco at
Sat Feb 24 21:21:29 UTC 2007

Larry Hartman escribió:
> This has a flare similar to the WACOM errors that xorg.conf puts out in Dapper 
> and Edgy (fixed by remarking it out), wouldn't by chance be the same thing?
> On Saturday 24 February 2007, Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have installed herd 4 of Kubuntu... and when I use adept to install
>> some programs.. it downloads the files correctely.. but...  when  it is
>> going to install them it gives an error saying:
>> X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
>>   Major opcode: 145
>>   Minor opcode: 3
>> Resource id: 0x0
>> Failed to open device
>> DESTROY create new reference to dead object `Qt:: VBoxLayout`<> line 9
>> during global destruction.
>> Can anybody help me?

Hi Larry..

Before having this distro and had the dapper and the edgy and I never 
had this problem so I don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.


Lic. Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo
Centro de Estudios de Software Educativos.
ISP: "Blas Roca Calderio"
Granma. Cuba.
Teléfono: 53 23 57174 (Trabajo)
Linux Registered User #422927
"Satyât nâsti paro dharmah"
"alid jobel rachu"

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