debconf issue
Larry Hartman
larryhartman50 at
Sat Feb 24 20:40:12 UTC 2007
This has a flare similar to the WACOM errors that xorg.conf puts out in Dapper
and Edgy (fixed by remarking it out), wouldn't by chance be the same thing?
On Saturday 24 February 2007, Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo wrote:
> Hi all
> I have installed herd 4 of Kubuntu... and when I use adept to install
> some programs.. it downloads the files correctely.. but... when it is
> going to install them it gives an error saying:
> X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
> Major opcode: 145
> Minor opcode: 3
> Resource id: 0x0
> Failed to open device
> DESTROY create new reference to dead object `Qt:: VBoxLayout`<> line 9
> during global destruction.
> Can anybody help me?
> --
> Saludos...
> Lic. Luis E. Barrueco Gallardo
> Centro de Estudios de Software Educativos.
> ISP: "Blas Roca Calderio"
> Granma. Cuba.
> Teléfono: 53 23 57174 (Trabajo)
> Linux Registered User #422927
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> "alid jobel rachu"
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