Moving /home

Thomas Sperre thcsp at
Sat Feb 24 18:54:35 UTC 2007

Onsdag 21 februar 2007 23:31 skreiv Larry Hartman:
> I like this answer  :-)  .....but more importantly to me, how do I get the
> home directory moved from its default location on hda1 /home/usrname to
> another default location, say hdb1 /home/usrname, or any other directory
> for that matter?

I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread, but I have seen people using 
methods that are imho less reliable.

some methods I have seen mentioned for moving /home
cp -A 

Preferred method (for me at least):

I have gone through this a couple of times, and i will say rsync just appears 
to be more stable and robust 

rsync -aS /target_directory /destination_directory

I admit the verbose mode -v may be nice in case of something going wrong, but 
i haven't had then need for it yet. the -a switch preserves file permissions 
so there should be none of the troubles mentioned by the top poster.

Before you can issue this command, it is necessary to mount both the new and 
the old home directories. After the rsync is completed, you mount your new 
home as /home and the old one can still  hang in there if you wish, but you 
must mount it as something different. maybe /old_home?

cheers :-)

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