Make apps invisble in the desktop pager

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Tue Feb 20 01:18:39 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>> Ah, I see.  Whereas, without the meta key, you need to grab the title bar.
>> Next you'll be convincing me to create borderless windows, because who
>> needs a title bar anyway :-)
> Ha. I don't know how stripped-down a window can get, but I like the title bar. 
> I have "Pin" and "Stay on top" icons on the far left, which are very handy.
> You can also resize windows on-the-fly by meta + right-drag. You don't need to 
> be on the edges, just closer to side X in the body of the window.

Wow.  All of these are really cool tips.

Matthew Flaschen

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