Problems with video output

Richard Crawford rscrawford at
Thu Feb 15 19:39:07 UTC 2007

My Kubuntu Edgy laptop has an ATI Radeon 9600 video card, which I've been 
operating with the fglrxinfo driver under xorg.  Up until earlier this week, 
this laptop was great for watching movies on DVD under Xine, for playing 
videos with the Democracy player, and so on.

Now, though, Xine drops frames like crazy, Democracy just hangs, and OpenGL 
screensavers perform so slowly that I frequently think they've simply frozen.

I have installed no software outside of the normal updates, which makes me 
think that something that came through the pipe -- possibly the newest kernel 
image? -- has broken my ability to watch smooth video.

I've tried reinstalling fglrx but that didn't do any good.

Can anyone help out?

Richard S. Crawford (
"That which does not kill me makes me stranger."
    -Llewellyn, from Ozy & Millie

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