Problem loading 6.06 LTS from live/install CD

Brian Lunergan brianlunergan at
Fri Feb 9 02:06:06 UTC 2007

Evening folks:

I've just received some of the live/install cds for this edition. It loads but I
can't get past the screen where you have to click on the icon to choose install
or try out because it fails to recognize my usb mouse. Is there a way past this
glitch? Is it a problem with the current version of kubuntu and kde? If there
isn't a way past am I stuck until the problem is corrected in a future release?
Somebody on the ubuntu list suggested downloading the iso file, but I'm afraid
that suggestion is a non-starter for someone not on a high speed connection.
Other ideas and/or solutions would be much appreciated.

Brian Lunergan
Nepean, Ontario

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