Konqueror Oddities

Thomas Olsen tanghus at gmail.com
Sun Feb 4 12:14:16 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 01 February 2007 18:42, Donn wrote:
> Hi,
> Something I noticed only recently is that Konqueror is strangely deformed
> in a few ways from what I knew in Fedora Core 3. Not sure if it's the
> version of KDE or if Kubuntu has tweaked Konqueror.
> 1. There's no way to make a new folder from the menus along the top, one
> has to right-click to do so.
> 2. There doesn't seem to be any way to search a folder for stuff. I can't
> find "Find" or "Search" anywhere -- even in a context menu.
> Neither is a big hassle as I always have a konsole open somewhere (Try
> yakuake -- the coolest konsole with the dumbest name) but it's kinda weird
> not to have them built-in to konqy.
> I'm prob being dumb and they are a click->tick->click away.
> /d

Maybe my menu is different bc i've upgraded back from Hoary, but I 
got "Edit=>Create New" and "Tools=>Find file"

- -- 
Med venlig hilsen / Best regards
	Thomas Olsen

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