Slightly OT: is free software development indirectly subsidized?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Sat Feb 3 22:31:26 UTC 2007

On Saturday 03 February 2007 5:10 pm, Man-Chicken wrote:
> few and far between.  I have no subsidy, yet that still doesn't stop me
> from contributing.

I want to add that I didn't really touch on the "wither away" aspect of that.  
No, that's a bunch of crap.  There are a few really serious subsidies out 
here, but they are few and far between, and limited to a few dozen out of the 
thousands of FOSS applications out there.

I lost my own indirect subsidy, but I'm still planning on hanging around.  I'm 
just bummed about how much less time I will be able to scrape up to do 
things, and how little I'll be able to spare for Rosegarden.

> The number of the beast - vi vi vi

Ho ho, spawn of emacs, that would have been clever, except the number of the 
beast is Roman numerals is DCLXVI.

D. Michael McIntyre 

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