kdewallet and kmail

grumpypenguin grumpypenguin at qwest.net
Fri Feb 2 02:15:42 UTC 2007

On Thursday 01 February 2007 19:02, D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
> On Thursday 01 February 2007 1:08 pm, Jeremy Anderson wrote:
> > not just when I reboot or logout.  I look to make sure kdewallet is still
> > running before I start kmail and it is.  Any suggestions?
> I haven't run into just this thing, but I've seen something similar.  I'd
> suggest you go hide the *wallet* config files that are lurking in ~/.kde
> somewhere, and allow new ones to be generated, then start over with the
> wallet first-time wizard and all that jazz.
> This asuggestion is probably useless if the odd box out was a fresh install
> on a clean hard drive with a spanky new user account.  My own problem was
> cruft-related in some way I never quite worked out.
I had the same problem so I, just went to 
kcontrol then to security and privacy then to kwallet and reconfigure
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre

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