Flash not working on new PC

David McGlone d.mcglone at att.net
Tue Dec 11 10:46:47 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 11 December 2007 5:00:12 am David Fletcher wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 Dec 2007, David McGlone wrote:
> > > No, I'm using Firefox.
> >
> > Ok, did you put the flash plugin in the correct plugin folder for
> > firefox?
> >
> > --
> > David M.
> Here's what seems silly - On the old laptop machine that I installed when
> Gutsy was in Beta, I think, or it might have been Release Candidate, I just
> used Add/Remove Programs to install the Flash player, did nothing else, and
> it "Just Worked". On this new machine, that I built a few days ago, I
> installed and updated Gutsy, used the Add/Remove Programs again. Java works
> just fine with Firefox - I can see the Nasa Orbital Tracker no problems,
> but Flash doesn't.
> I used to have to mess around putting flash plugins into the correct folder
> with Fedora Core, which was a PITA because I always had to fix it again
> when something got upgraded. I thought all this was sorted out with
> Kubuntu.

I haven't had to worry about it with Kubuntu, but sometimes you never know 
what might pop up.
> Yes I can poke around in the Firefox plugin folders to make sure it's in
> the correct place, I expect, but you can't really expect Joe Public to go
> doing stuff like that, or (s)he'll just go right back to $soft. You can now
> order (when they're back in stock) Linux PCs from Tesco Direct
> http://direct.tesco.com/q/N.1999034$37/Nr.99.aspx for goodness sake, so it
> ought to "Just Work". I heard somewhere that the Tesco machines have Ubuntu
> installed.

In firefox type: about:plugins and see if shockwave flash is in the list of 
plugins. My plugin is installed in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree

This is assuming you installed the package flashplugin-nonfree.
David M.

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