WengoPhone vs. Skype

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Mon Aug 27 19:45:10 UTC 2007

On Monday 27 August 2007, Gene Heskett wrote:
| I think it might be a usable alternative.  Unforch, in 2 passes to register
| and enable it, no confirming message has ever arrived, leading me to think
| that verizon is filtering the competition into the bit bucket since they
| own all the copper in there here parts, these here parts being West
| Virginia, USA.

I also had this same exact issue with Wengophone. Last week I decided to give 
a shot to see if I could talk with video with my daughter in Maryland. I 
didn't get one "confirmation" email, nor did it ever run for me either. It 
would always crash out, so instead of debugging, I got rid of it all 
together. Skype has always worked for me when I tried/used it.

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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