WengoPhone vs. Skype

Jeff.Hodges at KingsMountain.com Jeff.Hodges at KingsMountain.com
Mon Aug 27 16:28:19 UTC 2007

I haven't yet tried WengoPhone, but will. 

That said, there's several alternatives to Skype, WengoPhone being one, Gizmo 
being another. I've used Gizmo for a while, even calling internationally (both 
from and to the States), and it works fine (and is based on open standard 
protocols, as opposed to the ridicuously proprietary Skype.

  A plug for Gizmo


Also, one can "roll your own" using any of the various open-source SIP-based 
VoIP clients, or even hardphones (e.g. SNOM), and an online SIP proxy service 
such as <http://www.iptel.org/> and <http://www.freeworlddialup.com/>, or nail 
up Asterisk on a server box (I compiled it just fine on a hosting account of 
mine) and start your own <http://www.asterisk.org/> (the "hard part" of this 
is of course PSTN integration (which WengoPhone appears to offer).


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