Ktorrent questions

Greg Booth bootgr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 15:04:56 UTC 2007

On 8/27/07, Rick <cms0009 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday 27 August 2007 12:59:46 am ari sarkar wrote:
> > Don't use 6881 as port settings, almost all the trackers tell to avoid it.
> > try in the range of 10000+ (i am using 46500 for example).
> > Also from "Plugins" settings, enable "UPnP" plugin and check that ports are
> > properly forwarded or not.
> > This way I am acheiving almost 90-95% of bandwidth utilization in torrent
> > download.
> >
> > --
> > Ari Sarkar
> > Kolkata, India
> Ari,
> I do have wireless router, that I would have to open up some ports,
> and port forward them to my laptop
> what your saying is, not to use 6881 - 6999 (as open ports) but use
> 46500 as the only open port for torrent?
> What about the tracker it needs port 4444 open? (according to
> settings )ktorrent
> --
> I don't have this UPnP plugin installed, should I ?
> will I have to set the wireless router back to normal (closing port forward ),
> and just use this...? ( have a 15MB connection ) got only 86 KB/s downloads...
> that not good...slow (very slow)
> Thank You.
> Richard

Not sure if your router will pick it up, but just loading the uPnP
plugin should hopefully get you those extra ports forwarded. If you
load it up then go check your router software and see if it's got a
uPnP section ( I use Tomato on my WRT4GL and it has a section for uPnP
) or just look in your normal port forwarding section you should see


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