Epson stylus color 600 printer will not work.

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Mon Aug 27 14:42:26 UTC 2007

Knapp wrote:
> My printer will not work at all. I have tried everything I see in the
> printer set up. Any ideas of what to do next? It is an old cable type
> into the new into a USB. It work before I upgraded to 7.04 Kubuntu 64
> bit. I had 64 kubuntu bit before and it was working.
> Douglas

I had the same problem with my Epson after installing Feisty (I did a clean 
install rather than an upgrade) and got it working by installing the gutenprint 
app(s) - I can't remember which one(s) got it working but the problem was that the 
default install didn't have the needed drivers.
Have a poke around in the archives - it has been discussed - or just install 
everything to do with gutenprint.



OliveRoot Ministries

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