GPS unit for my bike

Ronnie Tucker ronnie at
Sun Aug 26 18:56:41 UTC 2007

Bruce Marshall wrote:
> On Sunday 26 August 2007, Ronnie Tucker wrote:
>> Was reading the Geocaching thread and since there's some GPS fans here,
>> i'm looking for a bit of advice: i'm thinking of buying a handheld GPS
>> for my bike (of the pedal kind) and would like one that displays street
>> maps and can hook up nicely to my Kubuntu Feisty (for map uploads and
>> what-not).
>> Also: do the handheld units do the same idea as the in-car versions
>> where you say 'I want to go here' and it finds you the best route and
>> will alter the route if you make a detour?
>> Maybe you geocachers could suggest a decent model? Something around the
>> £100 mark would be nice (b&w screen is fine if it keeps the cost down).
>> Thanks folks!   :)
> Be a little careful because a lot of the "I want to go here" units don't have 
> the detailed maps for a biker I would think.   Major highways yes, but I 
> would assume you want good detail and the ability to tailor your route.
> Even some of the built-in units in cars don't do well at this.


I did a bit of research on various units and it seemed to me as though 
they give you (with the unit) a basic map with the main roads but you 
can upload (to it's memory) a portion of a more detailed map. Which is 
where i'd need it and Kubuntu to be on speaking terms. Unless the unit 
took SD cards, that'd be nice.

I know they do waypoints (bloody useless to me though, if I keep putting 
in waypoints i'll end up under the wheels of a bus) but i'm more 
interested in the "'want to go here' facility" (tm, Ronnie Tucker, 2007 :D).

And yeah, an up to date map would be nice too. Seen my dads GPS unit in 
a right fluster demanding a u-turn because it thinks he's driving 
through a big grassy field...  :D

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