numlock ON before logging in

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Fri Aug 24 16:42:17 UTC 2007

On Thursday 16 August 2007 05:25:55 Paul Varjak wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm trying to have numlock ON before logging into my account. I've
> found different procedures to make it on after the login but I would
> like to do it BEFORE it. Running Kubuntu 7.04.

I hope this point you to the right direction.  From my recollection solving 
the same problem a couple of years ago, the problem results from X setting 
numlock off by default.  I think the solution is in editing /etc/xorg.conf.

What is the real PITA is the reason for this involved the old -- very old -- 
XT keyboards that didn't have separate arrow keys.  At that time most people 
used the arrow keys more than the numpad.  But keeping it that way is silly, 
because almost no one has one of those keyboards anymore.  You either have a 
keyboard with nav keys and a numpad, or a laptop without a numpad.
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