OOo 2.2 Spreadsheet Slooowww

Rick Knight rick_knight at
Mon Aug 20 22:36:13 UTC 2007

I use Calc to import and export data in my online store. 
I've used OOo on Kubuntu since Kubuntu 5.x. OOo has always performed 
well enough for me. I'm now using Kubuntu Feisty 7.04 with OOo 2.2. Calc 
or Spreadsheet as it's called now, is so slow it's nearly unusable. Not 
just starting and opening the spreadsheets, but also moving around, 
editing , sorting. All the basic spreadsheet functions are so slow it's 
nearly useless. Can someone tell me how to speed things up? Can I down 
grade to 2.0?

Rick Knight

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