ATI 8.40.4 driver and Googleearth

David McGlone david.mcglone at
Thu Aug 16 00:45:32 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 15 August 2007 2:25:59 am kubadmin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 14 August 2007 04:22:42 pm kubadmin wrote:
> Hi David,
> What happened to you is normal, when you install a new graphics driver you
> have to restart X in order for it to be effective.
> Rebooting the system does the same thing because it restarts everything.
> Are you sure you are using the latest driver version (8.40.4)?
> Anyway, the Radeon Express is integrated in the motherboard and it has
> probably a slightly different version of the driver so it works fine with
> GoogleEarth.
> Best regards,
> Antonio

Hi Antonio,

That is true, and I did restart X but it didn't work for me. I actually had to 
reboot. Weird, but true.

David M.

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