Palm Pilot

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Aug 12 01:44:28 UTC 2007

Dr. Sharukh K. R. Pavri. wrote:

> On Thu, 09 Aug 2007, Jos? Alexandre Nalon wrote:
>> Hello,
>> > I have a Palm T/X and have been trying as well to get it to sync
>> > properly with Linux.  Several years ago I had a Palm IIIxe and it
>> > synced
> For what it's worth:
> I have an old Handspring Visor. Worked perfectly w/ everything from Rehat
> 9 to FC 5. Now w/ Kubuntu feisty, it just won't sync.
> Looking on the web, this is what I need to do everytime.
> sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial
> sudo /sbin/modprobe visor

That would appear to be an issue with depmod - visor should always depend on
usbserial, so modprobe usbserial before inserting visor.
> I tried all sorts of stuff w/ udev but only managed to screw up my system.
> After I added the required file to /etc/udev/rules.d/ I could not login at
> all. It turned out that /dev/null is being created w/ 600 perms instead of
> 666.

The default /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules contains the line:
KERNEL=="null",                         MODE="0666"

> Sad state of affairs this.
> Feisty has been a major disappointment. I am sorely tempted to go back to
> FC or maybe Debian testing.

Feisty isn't to blame for the udev problem.

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