Palm Pilot

Neil Winchurst neil at
Fri Aug 10 07:23:05 UTC 2007

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 21:52:43 -0500
manchicken <manchicken at> wrote:

> Try unloading the visor module, and using libusb.  To use libusb, just set the 
> device to "usb:".
> I've been using libusb with my Treo 700p for a while, and it works like a 
> charm most of the time.  It's a little less than stable in Gutsy, but it's 
> only resulted in daemon crashes, never data loss.
> -- 
> ~ manchicken <><
I have looked at /etc/modules and the only item is 'lp'. Could part of
the problem be that 'visor' is missing?

Neil Winchurst

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