
Neil Winchurst neil at
Tue Aug 7 08:15:10 UTC 2007

On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 11:25:10 -0500
"Greg Booth" <bootgr at> wrote:

> On 8/6/07, Neil Winchurst <neil at> wrote:
> > Anyone any recommendations for backing up my important files please.
> > At the moment I use DVDs but there must be better ways. Or perhaps not??
> >
> > Neil Winchurst
> Talking whole directories or just individual files ? There's free
> online backup sites available that give you usually about 2 gig to
> store stuff, but I'm not sure I'd want to back up my whole ~ directory
> over the wire, take forever and I just don't want my personal stuff
> going across the internet.
> Greg
I meant whole directories mainly, but sometimes individual files. I
have heard about backing up over the internet, but I agree with you
about that.


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