Compiz / Beryl on KDE?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Aug 5 10:06:10 UTC 2007

On 05/08/07, Paul S <paulatgm at> wrote:
> Dotan Cohen said the following on 08/04/2007 08:32 PM:
> > I just reinstalled Feisty on my Dell Inspiron laptop with the ATI
> > Raedon X1400 video card. I can get Compiz to run with effects in
> > Gnome, but in KDE I get no effects. It appears that Compiz is running
> > because when I right click on the red Beryl logo (after running
> > beryl-manager), I can see that the Compiz window manager is selected.
> > Also, minimizing windows funnels them into the task bar. However, I
> > cannot enable wobbly windows or other effects. Also, when I select
> > Beryl as the window manager, instead of Compiz, it fails and defaults
> > to the Kwin manager.
> >
> > What must I do to enable effects with either Compiz or Beryl? Thanks in advance.
> I upgraded to compiz-fusion from Trevino's repository, but when I was
> using beryl, I seem to recall that it was necessary under KDE to set the
> number of viewports in the beryl manager config to either 1 or 4.

How do you configure the amount of viewports? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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