Backups completely filling root drive.

Michel D'HOOGE list.dhooge at
Wed Sep 27 07:48:20 UTC 2006

2006/9/26, Larry Alkoff <labradley at>:
> I have effectively destroyed two Kubuntu 6.0.6 installations while
How can you destroy a distro by just filling up the hard drive? In the
worst case, you can boot from a live CD and remove the offending files
- if you know where they are, of course.

> I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that the target drive is
> mounted under /mnt/name but I don't see why that should have anything to
> do with the space on the source partition.
Are you sure it is really mounted there? It looks to me as if it
isn't. And in that case, you plainly copy all your stuff to a normal
folder called /mnt/name and that is hosted by your root partition.
Thus filling up the partition.

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