Dapper or edgy?

karl vanwynsberghe karl.vanwynsberghe at telenet.be
Tue Sep 26 17:53:37 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 23 september 2006 16:00, schreef Walt frampus:
> Would it be better for me to install Dapper or Edgy on my main computer?
> I have edgy on my secondary but the stuff on there is not that
> important. It is mostly a test machine. I am coming from Xandros 4.0
> which I like but I want to try Kubuntu here.
> Walt

If it is a testing machine, i'll go for EDGY!
I've already tested the knot 3 (live) and it seems to work fine.

Rememer that the final versions will be released soon... So updates and fixes 
will follow rapidely.

Grtz, K

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