Top/Bottom Posting - was Re: 915resolution

Michel D'HOOGE list.dhooge at
Wed Sep 20 06:20:34 UTC 2006

I have a funny story about top-posting: I had a meeting in one client's 
premises and when we (3 of us) were already there, we learned that the 
meeting was cancelled because one of our hosts was missing. It's quite 
annoying to waste one hour in transportation but it is even worse when you 
know it could have been avoided. I learned it by reading the 
non-intended-for-us bottom of the mail of apologizes forwarded by the client.

So I think top-posting should be avoided - especially in business because you 
always end up with disclaimer signatures longer than your message that "hide" 
the previous exchanges from your view (but still keep them embedded ;-)

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