Top/Bottom Posting - was Re: 915resolution

Scott Kitterman kubuntu at
Tue Sep 19 14:37:00 UTC 2006

On Tue, 19 Sep 2006 07:22:20 -0600 Ron Morse <rbmorse at> wrote:
>I find bottom posting makes communication tedious. 
>Perhaps we should all do what works best for us and make 
>necessary accommodations rather than try to impose our 
>personal preferences on everybody else. 
I'd put it a different way...

People asking questions on lists like this are asking other to volunteer 
their time to help them.  Those asking questions ought to be responsive to 
the preferences of those who've volunteered to help them out. (Note: This 
says nothing about which way to do it.)

Some other points:

 - Please be consistent.  A mix of top and bottom posts is worst of all to 
read.  If you change in mid-stream, please edit the entire message so it 
can be followed.

 - Please adjust the subject line as the topic drifts.

 - Please trim the previously replies to reduce clutter but maintain 
context.  Many (most) read this as a mailing list and we don't all keep all 
the old messages.  Each message should make sense on its own without pages 
of old information that is no longer needed.

 - Please don't complain about the free answer you just got.  You got more 
than you paid for already.  Ask more questions as necessary, but don't 

 - It helps get a good answer if you let people know what you've already 
tried.  It shows you've invested something in the question and avoid having 
people tell you what you already know.

Scott K

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