Opening GUI as another user

Ian Rose ian at
Wed Sep 20 07:01:13 UTC 2006

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> In addition to my regular user, I have created another user, "test",
> to test things. When I work as this user in Konsole, I cannot open GUI
> applications:
> dotancohen at ubuntu:~$ su - test
> Password:
> test at ubuntu:~$ kate
> kate: cannot connect to X server
> test at ubuntu:~$ gedit
> cannot open display: (null)
> Run 'gedit --help' to see a full list of available command line options.
> test at ubuntu:~$ firefox
> (firefox-bin:13339): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:
> test at ubuntu:~$
> What can I do to have the user "test" open GUI apps from Konsole? Thanks.
If you are running sshd on the machine you can log in using
ssh -X localhost -l username

-X allows x-forwarding - normally you would do this to a seperate  
machine, but there is nothing to stop you doing it on your local machine.


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