
O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 05:05:27 UTC 2006

Dear Derek, the outcome is still the same. See comments further down.

On 19/09/06, Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca> wrote:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
> > What I want to achieve is 1400 * 1050 resolution on a 4:3 Dell LCD
> laptop
> > screen. It is of course using 60 hz then. Anything else is in basically
> > unnecessary. At the moment the maximum I get is 1280 * 1024 60 no matter
> > what I try.
> Are you getting 1280x1024 with the config you show below?  You don't even
> tell it to give you 1280x1024, which is suspicious.
> >
> > I have tried some of your various advice and also some other things. In
> > "System Settings", "Display" you have "Hardware" section.
> The "system settings" on the KDE menu?  I don't know what I've b0rked on
> my
> system, but Display's _another_ entry I don't have!
> > Section "Monitor"
> >     Identifier    "Laptop Monitor"
> >     Option        "DPMS"
> >     # 1400x1050 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 65.22 kHz; pclk: 122.61 MHz
> >      Modeline "1400x1050_60.00"  122.61  1400 1488 1640 1880  1050 1051
> >      1054
> > 1087  -HSync +Vsync
> >     HorizSync    28-70
> >     VertRefresh    43-60
> > EndSection
> OK.  So that should, first, give you a valid modeline for 1400x1050.  The
> HorizSync & VertRefresh values include the hsync & refresh (65.22 & 60)
> for
> the mode, so that's good.
> > Section "Screen"
> >     Identifier    "Default Screen"
> >     Device        "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics
> >     Device"
> >     Monitor        "Laptop Monitor"
> >     DefaultDepth    16
> >     SubSection "Display"
> >         Depth        24
> >         Modes        "1400x1050_60" "1024x768"
> >     EndSubSection
> > EndSection
> See, if you're getting 1280x1024 - it's not specified there.  I _still_
> think the DefaultDepth is flakey.  Set it to 24.  I think you're
> defaulting
> to a depth of 16 bits per pixel, and then using an entirely default set of
> modes - which includes 1280x1024 but not 1400x1050.

OK I changed DefaultDepth to 24 and what do I get on startup.. 1024*768! As
maximum resolution.
I then changed the "Modes" line in this section to read;
>         Modes        "1400x1050_60" "1400X1050"
and am now back to... 1280 * 1024.
So am afraid it did not help at all.

> Any ideas are appreciated. The 915resolution came up because I read
> > "somewhere" that this is the only way to make this card/screen work in
> > intended resolution.
> You're reading that because there's any number of users out there who say
> it's so.  I'm here to tell you that the same card on a different Dell
> model
> doesn't need it, and I have serious doubts that those who say it does have
> every really tried to solve their problems without it.  In the end, my
> observation is that most of the people who are running it didn't solve
> their problem with 915resolution _anyway_, it was just one of the steps
> they took and they left it in because it did no obvious harm.

Well Derek , if you google around for Dell Inspiron 500m and Linux it won't
take you long to find 915resolution mentioned as the working way to get
native resolution working on this screen so not very surprising. And if
anyone knows how to get it working I am willing to listen.

Any ideas from you Derek I am willing to try however. I will now be off
internet until Friday evening or Saturday morning though so you won't hear
from me for a while.

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