Installing Firefox-OT

Billy Pollifrone billy at
Mon Sep 18 06:37:28 UTC 2006

I should've been clearer and stated that I was referring to using
source code provided by the author (usually their site of as
opposed to waiting for the distro to release it. The source repository
should only be the same version as the available binary and is
intended as a means of distributing the source as required by the GPL.
Note that a propietary or non-open package may not have the source

- Billy

On 9/16/06, Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> > From: "Billy Pollifrone" <billy at>
> <snip>
> > I wanted to add that you'd do an apt-get update and
> > then an apt-get
> > upgrade when a new version is put in the
> > repositories and you'll get
> > the newest one. You can always put the source
> > version in, which tends
> > to release sooner, but then you'll need to manually
> > upgrade. If you do
> > alot of source installing, you may want to look into
> > "checkinstall"
> > which allows you to create a deb file from your
> > source so that you may
> > use dpkg to remove it later.
> >
> > - Billy
> >
> Billy,
> You mentioned above "You can always put the source
> version in, which tends
> to release sooner, but then you'll need to manually
> upgrade." I have looked for several source packages
> with apt search, show and can't find them. I have all
> the deb src's listed in my sources.list. Would you
> explain, please, how you access the source
> files(mplayerplug-in for one, mozilla-mplayer-3.30
> another) and get them into the cache file. Once there
> I think I could compile/install. I'm sure I have
> forgotten something as I've downloaded kernel source
> before. Appreciate any enlightenment.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at
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