How to identify the fonts used in Ubuntu?

Larry Alkoff labradley at
Sun Sep 17 17:18:00 UTC 2006

Thilo Six wrote:
> Larry Alkoff wrote the following on 17.09.2006 11:28:
>> Thank you very much Thilo for your informative and prompt response.
>> I've saved your post so I can find the default fonts again <g>.
> You should not only save this mail, rather take a screenie from those
> config dialogs, to have the original settings at hand when needed to be
> replaced.

Fine idea.  I'll put both in a little text file under a largish subdir 
called ~/nfo which contains all kind of data like that.

>>  From the Mozilla Thunderbird home page I see they are up to version 
>> 1/5/0/7 from my  I'll look into upgrading although I must admit 
>> that Thunderbird seems very complex and 'fragile' to me so I get really 
>> nervous when I mess with it.
> if your sources.list contain like:
> deb dapper-security main restricted
> universe multiverse
> (where you replace with a mirror near to you, a
> list is available at
> then:
> sudo aptitude update
> sudo aptitude upgrade
> will do the trick

I had added stuff like multiverse and other repositories when I 
downloaded Opera and some other stuff.  I have a problem with how to 
control the program version so it's not on the bleeding edge
and have not done any apt updates until I understand how that works.

I _should_ have saved the original /etc/apt/sources.list but didn't and 
now can't get back to the original list in the Kubuntu distro.
If I could use the original list unless I wanted something from a newer 
repository I'd feel better.  Maybe it's on the cd somewhere.

>> I see you have been posting for about a month.  Please keep up your good 
>> work - it's not that easy to find 'technical' users in the Ubuntu 
>> groups.  My background is Slackware so I'm very much into the nuts and 
>> bolts.
> Thanks and your are welcome! ;)
> I have been a newbe also and some kind souls where (and still are)
> patient with me, so...
> ...and personally it is fun to me to think about others problems.
>> Larry
> bye Thilo

You are a welcome addition.
Bye Larry

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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