Kontact / koffice

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 12 21:01:57 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 12 September 2006 15:41, Richard wrote:
> since these apps use KDE gui, is there going to be more unity between
> apps, aka: in kmail (right click ) open attach spreadsheet into kspread...
> or,...your in kword, you type a letter, with to and subject field header,
> then right click and select mail it. (via KMail)

I thought that this was somewhat possible already?  I am so used to 
to "ctrl+alt+n" as my custom keystroke to open up and send an email that I am 
out of the loop ;)

> How about using sqlite database for the back end, to tied all these apps
> together, and using kexi for a front end app.
> ----

Have you chatted with some KDE devs about this stuff at all?

> Here one: "Kfind" to coin a phase, that uses sqlite to catalog your hard
> drive, ...etc and be able to read all types of files... and store data into
> sqlite for find things... like " part of phone# OR parts of address...etc.
> aka: spotlight on the mac. ( but much better) <grin>
> ---
> Again, this something I am seeing more I use kubuntu.
> "And you still can't add a row into kspread".
> Cheer's
> Rich

Good ideas if they aren't implemented in current releases, or are planned on 
being implemented.

Richard Johnson <> nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com <> chi.ubuntu-us.com
online everywhere as nixternal
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