What's the official best way to use an USB external disk?

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Tue Sep 5 13:26:23 UTC 2006

Leonardo de Miranda Cabral said...
> Em Segunda 04 Setembro 2006 16:40, Jose Gomez-Dans escreveu:
> > On 9/4/06, Didier Raboud <didier at raboud.com> wrote:

<Attempts to rebuild the thread>

> > > > I have an external USB disk, where I store (among many other things),
> > > > my music collection and data used by programs that tend to have "hard
> > > > wired" paths in them. Stuff like /media/ExternalDrive/ should be how
> > > > these files and directories should be accessed every time. Moreover, I
> > > > want the disk to be automatically mounted when it is plugged in. And I
> > > > also have a digital camera, which should behave in the same way.

> > > > I understand that with the advent of pmount, hal and so on, it is
> > > > possible to have this done. However, I don't know how to go on about
> > > > it. It appears that my version of Kubuntu doesn't do this by default.
> > > > I have to go round mounting the icons that appear on the desktop.

> > > > Is my sought-after behaviour enabled by default (or can it be easily
> > > > enabled)? There are some details on how to do what I want in
> > > > <http://floatingsun.net/articles/howtos/howto-usb-automount.html>, but
> > > > I see that there are udev directories and so on in /etc/, so maybe
> > > > it's already installed and half-configured?
> >
> > > First of all, one good thing to do is to have udev attributing a correct
> > > inode to a peripheral. Without doing that, if you plug 2 USB sticks in
> > > different orders, you can have once a naming and once another... So you
> > > have to "ask" udev to attribute a unique inode per peripheral...
> >
> > OK, so Kubuntu doesn't do this automagically. It would be nice (IMHO)
> > to have the option to write this entry automatically when the device
> > is first inserted and the action menu pops up?
> My Kubuntu 6.06 LTS automatically mount my usb devices when I plug them by
> default as well as CD/DVD

Most stuff automounts here, but I have an external USB drive, with three 
partitions, which is recognised just fine, but does not automount the 
partitions. I've tried the usually fstab stuff, to force the issue, but 
have not been successful. udev needs much better docs and tools.


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