
Bry Melvin brymelvin at melvinart.com
Sat Oct 28 00:42:06 UTC 2006

Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net> wrote: I must be doing something wrong as entering:
http://localhost:901/ in my web browser doesn't bring
up the swat program. It gives this error(konqueror and
The connection was refused... for mozilla and
Could not connect to host localhost (port 901). for
Can someone please tell me what I must do to run swat.
Have read the swat man which says to add the above and
also googled on the address but no answers only snide
replyies to read the how to ask questions link and
some untranslatable posts. I have successfully used
swat in the past but if I had to do something special
it excapes me.
Thanks for any replies.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at sbcglobal.net

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Swat and for that matter the cups browser interface does not get along well with ubunutu's Sudo and no root user setup.

Swat actually is unsupported although it is in the repositories.

I played with it and it messed up the samba configuration and have been editiing the samba configuration manually with an editor since then.

There are some tips for setting up Samba in the unnoficial ubuntu guide.
Samba has never just worked for me...It has to have users set up etc.

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