kioslave question

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Fri Oct 27 17:10:16 UTC 2006

I use subversion repositories for lots of things.

I have installed the subversion kioslave (kdesdk-kio-plugins + kdesdk
+ kfile-plugins all seem to be required, although the latter two were
not installed automatically for some reason).

So, having done that, where do I find some documentation on actually
using the svn kioslave?

I naively pointed konq at a a repository
(svn://, for example), but nothing
useful happened.

And since I installed it at the same time, where is the docuementation
for kfile-plugins, which looks like it might be a useful goodie?

Sorry to be asking such stupid questions. The Konq handbook doesn't
seem to be any help at all. Maybe there's some other place I should be

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