Kubuntu instability...

Branko Vukelic bg.branko at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 16:59:15 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 24 October 2006. 14:04, Tchize wrote:

> Having to kill apps is not normal behaviour in kubuntu. No easy to tell
> like that, but it looks like a bug in one kde core component. Didn't
> experience such behaviour, but can be a dcop problem.

Now that you mentioned it, I do get dcop errors (but only on some boots, not 

> This is not odd, it just mean only one application can manage
> installation at a time. You surely don't want to see your installation
> corrupted because 2 differents apps tried to update it simultaneously.

No, I mean, aptitude locks dpkg, and it stays locked even after I exit 

> Rule of thumb in computer:
> A problem never come single.
> Corollary: All your problem came at same time with a common cause.

Yeah, I do agree to that. However, with so many symptoms, it's hard to tell. 
As you mentioned it earlier, it is most likely KDE core component. BTW, I'm 
using KDE from the Kubuntu repos, whereas the rest of the distro was actually 
installed from an Ubuntu CD.

> Did you ensure that your hardware is not faulty? Last time i saw a linux
> system go berserk like that, it was a memory defect.

Hmm, I don't know for sure. I will run some test when I have time. However, I 
do use one or two live distros, including (but not limited to) Knoppix, Helix 
and RIP Linux (for data rescue purposes; I do that as a hobby). and none of 
them are complaining... RIP runs entirely from RAM and it's been working 
nicely. Actually, I think I ran it like 2 days ago for a few hours.

> On the other hand, i am against distro wars, if you find a distro other
> than ubuntu that suits your need, there is no reason not to use it :)

I know. But I will always miss Ubuntu... Especially because of the comunity 
and the huge repos. :)

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