USB disk disappears after upgrade to KDE 3.5.5

Conte Mascetti demasiado.corazon at
Tue Oct 17 18:37:37 UTC 2006

Alle 17:54, domenica 15 ottobre 2006, Jose Gomez-Dans ha scritto:
> Hi!
> I have done two things to my system, and I have noted that my USB
> drive stopped popping up in the desktop afterwards. The first was to
> use the nvidia drivers (I want to use Google Earth), and the second
> was to upgrade the system to KDE 3.5.5. What happened before was that
> no unmounted CD or storage medium appeared if it was plugged in from
> the start, but as soon as something new was plugged in, all devices
> would appear on the desktop. What happens now is that the unmounted CD
> or DVD icon is on the desktop from the very begginning (this is fine),
> but much as I switch my USB external drive on or off, it never shows
> up.

I found a solution!

I solved this way:

It was a problem in Kde 3.5.5 package for kubuntu...

Hope it helps.


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