Re-setting KDM screen size

Bry Melvin brymelvin at
Sun Oct 15 00:19:45 UTC 2006

--- "Carlos A. Carnero Delgado"
<carloscarnero at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have installed a fair share of PCs with Dapper,
> using the alternate
> installation CD. Believe it or not, I have never
> tried the Live one to
> make installs. Well, last night I did it, and,
> unsurprisingly, it went
> well.
> I have a question, however. The Live CD installed
> using 1024x768,
> which I promptly changed to 800x600 since this PC in
> question has a
> rather small display. After I login KDE will switch
> to 800x600 as
> told, but everytime I go back to KDM it snaps back
> to the original
> installation setting of 1024 x 768.
> How do I change KDM's screen size?
> Best regards,
> Carlos.
> -- 

hmm I think that would depend on Xorg setup. When run
the installer it gives you the selections to pick from
and then runs the highest (usuually) possible
reolstion unless you've doctored the config file
(haven't done that myself sinecd Xfree86 3.3.6)

I haven't used the live CD much myself, I'm thinking
itis going to default to highest resolution possible.

Once installed I think the easiest way to change this
(easiest meaning through a GUI tool, not direct file
editing) would be to install configure-debian and
change the Xorg configuration via that tool.

FWIW I've done this many times, when a HD is moved to
a new computer, new graphics card etc.

configure-debian doesn't need X to run.


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