apt database locked

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Thu Oct 12 17:43:04 UTC 2006

On Thursday 12 October 2006 12:19 pm, D. R. Evans wrote:
> On 12/10/06, D. R. Evans <doc.evans at gmail.com> wrote:
> > About an hour ago, I tried to upgrade to KDE 3.5.5. Big mistake.
> I have managed to get rid of the message by executing:
>   sudo dpkg --configure -a
> But there's still something broken.
> The little icon is still there saying that I have 1 package to update.
> That package is kdenetwork. But if I try to upgrade it, I get the
> "BREAK (upgrade)" message.
> Investigating with synaptic tells me that the reason is that the
> kdenetwork package needs kopete-3.5.5, whereas I have 3.5.4 installed.
> But there is no sign of a kopete-3.5.5 in the KDE upgrade :-(
> (This is on an AMD64 system.)
> Does anyone know where I can get the kopete-3.5.5 package so that I
> can complete the update to KDE 3.5.5? (Or, if not, where do I complain
> that there's a packaging problem with the KDE 3.5.5 packages for
> Kubuntu? I imagine that it's just that someone forgot to include the
> kopete package or something.)

The problem apparently doesn't just exist in AMD64, I'm using the x86 side of 
things, and I get the same error.

Not sure what's up there.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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