Edgy's new startup scripts

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Sat Oct 7 04:00:56 UTC 2006

On Friday 06 October 2006 12:38 pm, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> It _can_ (upstart isn't installed by default); I have; and it is :-)

Ok.  I was thinking sysvinit was gone in Edgy, or at least somewhat replaced 
anyway.  And I hope it is.  I've done a little reading off the website, and 
it sounds like something that should have been around for years.  Its one of 
those things you wonder why someone didn't think of it some time ago, know 
what I mean?

> > My question is are we now going to have to learn a new
> > non-standardized startup method for every distro we may want to use?
> If it's as good as it seems, everybody will be using upstart :-)  (well
> maybe not everybody).

Well, that would be good.  However, I doubt Debian will use it.  Because it 
started in Ubuntu, and the debian folks seem to hate Ubuntu because its stole 
their limelight.

> > I understand this method may be far superior to sysvinit style scripting,
> > However, I'm afraid that if we have 100 distros all using different forms
> > of startup scripting we'll wind up with a very unpopular OS from an app
> > development perspective.
> I expect it will always have the sysvinit compatibility mode (at least
> until everyone drops sysvinit.  Personally, if I have the choice of
> starting an app from /etc/init.d/ or event based, I'm going to choose
> event-based every time.  None of this stupid alphabetic ordering - Tomcat
> will start when Apache is _up_.

I'm with you, I would just rather not cause more problems than its worth, and 
I was curious as to whether anyone else had thought of this.
Apparently according to the website, someone has.

> Ho hum...  Even if LSB was desirable, it's way too early for that.  Nothing
> in Edgy, or even in the next release of Ubuntu, will require you to use
> upstart.

Well, I really don't know what LSB buys you other than an app developer's 
ability to write the app  once and it work on all distros.  Which I would 
think would be something worth having.  But, since its fully compatible with 
sysvinit scripting its got that covered.

> > Also, were would one find a good set of "howtos" on doing any
> > customization of this new style?
> I don't think it's that far yet...

Well, actually it is.  From what I read on the site its going to get to where 
it will replace at, cron, inetd, and a couple of other daemons.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

http://risenbooks.com Christian bookstore

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