KDE Sources.list ?

Hans Poppe hans at poppe.nu
Fri Oct 6 10:58:39 UTC 2006

Richard wisely stated:

> Are there any good KDE sources.list that I could Add to my sources.list
> file. running edgy
> Thanks -
> Rich
Are there any packages you are looking for and not finding through the usual
You could make a backup copy of your sources.list and then try to run either
Automatix or EasyUbuntu. This will add several new repositories, also
backports of several kinds.
Do make a copy of it first though, you may not want _all_ of the
repositories added by these applications.
This question seems to be a frequent question and sometimes it may even seem
that the user is looking for codeks to play mp3 or DVD. Both Automatix and
EasyUbuntu will provide these, be aware that downloading and installing
codeks may not be legal in all countys, please check and make a
desicion :-)

Hans Poppe
Oslo, Norway
Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallecere culpa!

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