K3b is toast right now.

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Mon Oct 2 06:34:17 UTC 2006

Rob Blomquist <rob.blomquist at verizon.net> writes:

> Last time I used it, it worked great, but today, for some unknown
> reason it will not even load its GUI on my machine.

Ouch.  What changed on your machine recently?

> I used to use the CL to figure out what was bugging a program that
> would not load. But since Ubuntu is configured to not allow that, I
> have no idea how to fix up k3b.

I presume by "CL" you mean "command line"; you can certainly still use a
console to run software in Ubuntu, even if they don't go out of their
way to encourage it.

The easy way is to open up 'Konsole' from the system section of the
menu, and run 'k3b' from there -- it will be in the path -- to see what
output it delivers.

Alternately, consult the ~/.xsession-errors file, which is where the
stderr and stdout streams from applications are, by default, sent.

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