Shredding files

Neil Winchurst neil at
Mon Nov 27 21:33:46 UTC 2006

Brad De Vries wrote:
> On 11/26/06, Neil Winchurst <neil at> wrote:
>> When I was working with my previous distro (Mandriva) I sometimes used
>> GPG for encryption. I am sure that it included a shredder, that is a way
>> of deleting files by actually overwriting the data many times to make
>> sure that it could not be retrieved. This was much, much safer than
>> simply using the delete key which left the contents intact.
>> I have set up GPG on kubuntu edgy now but I cannot see any sign of
>> anything equivalent to the shredder. Does anyone know of anything like
>> it in Kubuntu please?
>> Neil Winchurst
> Neil, in addition to the shred capabilities of GPG, there is an OS
> command called "shred" which will destroy the data within a file
> before it deletes it.
> Check out man:shred to see more options.
> HTH,
> Brad.

Thanks, I have done that. Have not noticed that one before.

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