Downloading _big_ files: problem, and solution.

Renaud (Ron) Olgiati renaud at
Mon Nov 20 18:39:49 UTC 2006

On Monday 20 November 2006 15:32, my mailbox was graced by a missive
 from "Mitch Thompson" <mitchthompson at> who wrote:

> Since it sounds like the o.p. is downloading the ISO via dialup, 

No, on a 8kB connection

> I would say the the bandwidth of the postal service might be 
> a tad faster ;^). 

You, Young Sir, have obviously never been acquainted with the neauties of the 
postal service of the Republic of Paraguay.

I once received a letter after 17 months in the post; which only came to light 
after there was a fire at the sorting office.
                  Wagner's music is not as bad as it sounds.
                                               -- Mark Twain
                   -- --

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