Newbie needs software to receive faxes via serial modem or otherwise

john d. herron paradox.herron at
Wed Nov 15 22:17:04 UTC 2006

Thanks, Ylan.
I've adept-installed efax-gtk; it appears in the KDE Office applications 
On first start-up I'm presented with an initial dialog window.
The message pane displays "Socket running on port 9900".
I'd like to go into standby (i.e. automatic receive) mode, so I click 
the "Standby" button.
The message pane comes alive with the following 'endless-loop' message 
efax-0.9a: 53:41 opened /dev/ttyS0
efax-0.9a: 53:44 using U.S. Robotics 56K Pro Msg Ext 14.2.15 U.S. 
Robotics Inc. 56.0 Voice OK OK in class 2.0
efax-0.9a: 53:46 Error: modem command (S0=1) failed
efax-0.9a: 53:47 finished - invalid modem response
I'm lost so I click "Stop", hoping to break the unending message cycle.
Now the message pane reads:
*** Stopping send/receive session ***
efax-0.9a: 53:03 Warning: unexpected response "OK".
Being rather a newbie, I ask:  Is there a way out of this? Can anyone help?
I sure would be thankful.
john (Kubuntu 6.06 LTS, Intel P4, 512MB ram)

Ylan Segal wrote:

Currently, I am using efax-gtk to send and receive faxes. It's a gnome
application but I just let adept install all the dependencies and it works
just fine. 

Try it and see if you like it (I guess you will if your fax volume is low,
as you stated).

> john d. herron wrote:
> In Windows, WinFax Pro is the fax software I've been using - via a
> USRobotics external (serial) modem - to handle the no more than 10 or so
> fax messages exchanged every year. (snip)
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