dapper upgrade to edgy, emacs not functioning
D. Michael McIntyre
michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Tue Nov 14 22:49:17 UTC 2006
On Tuesday 14 November 2006 5:29 pm, Roy Mayfield wrote:
> I've heard that Edgy is supposed to handle fonts much better, but maybe
> the developers focused on new apps like Open Office and ignored old
> standby apps like Emacs and Xfig.
Edgy is on KDE 3.5.5 now, isn't it? Packages in Sid along the way broke fonts
pretty badly. Maybe Edgy inherited this. It's possible. I downgraded KDE
when I switched from Sid to Dapper (same /home). The solution was to turn
off antialiasing, log out, log back in, and turn it back on.
If that has no effect, and it doesn't sound likely that it will, then I would
try using KDE's font installer to manually reinstall the fonts in question.
System Administration -> Font Installer. There is a checkbox on there...
Let's see... If you click the wrench icon, it pops up a dialog with two
options, one of which is "Configure fonts for legacy X applications." This
was turned off by default on my new Dapper install, and it sounds likely it
could be the root of your trouble.
I'd give that a whack. That KDE font installer Craig Drummond came up with
does all kinds of arcane magical font things, and really works very, very
well. I helped him idiot proof it. Nobody is a bigger idiot than I am when
it comes to fonts in X11, and if I can install fonts that work with this
thing, it's really good!
Plus the obligatory: the reason emacs is broken is because it's emacs. You
can fix this with
sudo update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim
Presto. :P
I'm just taking wild potshots here, because you two sound pretty desperate for
suggestions. I don't use xfig or emacs, and I'm going to skip Edgy and wait
for the next LTS I think. (I got sick of stability problems, which is why I
finally gave up Debian Sid after a really long, good run with my old pal
D. Michael McIntyre
Author of Rosegarden Companion http://rosegarden.sourceforge.net/tutorial/
See my new music stand unfolding at http://users.adelphia.net/~silvan/
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