Newbie needs software to receive faxes via RS232 modem or otherwise

Tchize tchize at
Tue Nov 14 13:24:57 UTC 2006


fax receiving is not a very popular requested feature, according to what
i read on some kde threads. However, here a are a few hints worth trying

To *send* fax, you can simply create a fax printer in you kde printers
(this part is very easy...)

To received fax, it seems you are going to use a fax server application,
that may need a bit of configuration.
You might either go with efax (and it's user interface efax-gtk) or you
might go with the more complexe hylafax.

Hope this help, am not experienced with faxing.

john d. herron a écrit :
> In Windows, WinFax Pro is the fax software I've been using - via a
> USRobotics external (serial) modem - to handle the no more than 10 or
> so fax messages exchanged every year.
> Now that I'm in the process of gradually migrating to Kubuntu, I'm
> looking for some similar software to keep in touch with the very few
> people who need to occasionally send me non-electronic documents.
> Because of the very low volume of traffic, purchasing a fax machine is
> not an option.
> Any suggestions (in simple language, please...) will be thankfully
> appreciated.
> jdh
> ____________________
> stand-alone kubuntu 6.06 LTS
> on i586 box w/ 512 MB

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