connect two computers for file sharing

Matthew Copple mcopple at
Sat Nov 4 21:07:48 UTC 2006


Some additional information for you on OpenSSH:

1. openssh-client is already installed on your Kubuntu system. You will need 
openssh-server, however, if you intend on receiving SSH connections (that is, 
using a remote computer to log into your machine).

2. There are two great how-tos on SSH on the Ubuntu wiki:
The SSHHowto
The Advanced SSH page:

By using ssh-agent and public key authentication (both of which are explained 
in the how-tos above), you can easily create a secure method of file 

Matthew Copple
mcopple at

On Saturday 04 November 2006 13:36, Jordi Ferrando wrote:
> Hi,
> Choose a network for you locally administrated network (not public
> internet IPs)
> One valid range could be:
> 192.168.0.x
> Means you can assign IPs from to
> You can't assign IP (this is not valid, '0' terminated means
> network) and (this one is for the "broadcast".
> Choose: and
> The network mask is in this case for all computers in your
> network.
> Install openssh-server and openssh-client packages in both computers
> Then, using konqueror, type the url: sftp://yourusername@ or
> sftp://yourusername@
> Additional networking can be achieved using SAMBA (Microsoft file
> sharing) and NFS (traditional Unix Network File System, has security
> problems).
> Hope it helps.
> Donatas G. escribió:
> > How do I connect two computers for file transfer under kubuntu dapper?
> >
> > They both have lan cards and I can connect them using a lan cable, but
> > after that - I am lost :)
> >
> > First I guess I have to assign both computers manual IPs, and then? What
> > packages should I install to make full use of the KDE built in file
> > sharing (I mean, the System settings module Sharing > file sharing and
> > the options that become available upon selecting Properties of a
> > directory in a konqueror window... Is there a howto about this anywhere?

Matthew G. Copple
mcopple at
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