new kernel, what did I miss?

H.J.Bathoorn triade-lists at
Fri Nov 3 08:33:52 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2 Nov 2006 20:07:57 -0500
"D. Michael McIntyre" <michael.mcintyre at> wrote:

> Maybe I'm being pessimistic.  I should STFW and see what this is all about.

Like most new ideas it isn't altogether bad. The biggest downer IMO that will stop acceptance is that you are robbed of the quick 'editing' of a reluctant grub, especially on an unknown box.
This would almost require a note stuck on the side of a box with the uuidl's and partition scheme.
If not, one would be required to use a bootable medium like  a live-CD every time, to get into a reluctant box and either get those uuidl's or generate new ones.
Where the latter option requires the use of 'tune2fs'.


Good luck,

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